1018 North Bethlehem Pike Suite 201B Spring House, PA, 19002

Zoë Grace Rogers
About me
As a level 2 Reiki Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Licensed Esthetician, I am passionate about helping my clients grow closer to being, feeling, and looking their best. Everyone on earth has a unique experience every second, minute, day, and year; One person may want to focus on their physical health, while another would concentrate on their spiritual or emotional health. We are all in different places and should have individualized support that fits our needs. My training has provided me with multiple tools and skills to assist my clients regardless of where they are on their journey and what they would like their focus to be.
Personal development was the driving force of my interest in studying alternative health and wellness. Starting with Reiki, I focused on spiritual healing and intuitive development. Next, health and life coaching came to me when I needed to set goals and create structure. With years of knowledge and practice in Eastern-based healing practices and inner work, I was ready to continue my journey and learn more. I transitioned to massage, followed by esthetics to broaden my skill set and embrace Western wellness. Reiki and coaching were the perfect prerequisites to the 750-hour massage program I attended, and the 300-hour esthetics program directly after. Witnessing and experiencing the commonality between spirituality and science was beyond fulfilling. I truly felt a sense of everything tying together beautifully. From the beginning of my healing journey, one simple truth has been reiterated; relaxation is integral to the body, mind, and soul. The modalities I use encourage deep relaxation and allow the body to access innate natural healing capabilities. Whether looking for a deep mind-opening and expansive experience, or a mind-quieting and grounding experience, each modality can benefit you in amazing ways.
In this first chapter of my career, I feel accomplished having multiple licenses and certifications that tie together harmoniously. Once 333 Divinity is past its start-up stage and moving along steadily, I plan to attend college as a psychology major to deepen my knowledge and further assist my clients. I have known since a young age I wanted to help people in a way that addressed root causes and enhanced every part of their lives. I feel so lucky I've taken this path and watched the modalities blend. Everyone deserves to be, feel, and look their best. Working in an environment that promotes health, wellness, and confidence fills me with immense joy. Seeing my clients feel more relaxed, recharged, and rejuvenated is one of the greatest gifts of my profession. There's no better reward than a client getting off the treatment table smiling, relaxed, and grateful for the session they received. I am blessed to be in this line of work and very appreciative to have these experiences day in and day out.